Do include the version of the service in the queue name so that new service versions can be deployed independent of service consumers. 务必在队列名称中包括服务版本,以便能够独立于服务使用者部署新的服务版本。
The first parameter to the send() method is the JNDI queue name, which specifies where messages should be sent. send()方法的第一个参数是JNDI队列名,队列名指定了消息应当发送到哪里。
If only one file name matches, the file name is substituted for the queue name, and the setmqaut command is executed but fails silently. 如果仅找到了一个匹配文件名,会将此文件名替换为队列名称,setmqaut命令将执行并失败,但不会有任何提示。
The go() method is passed two strings, one for the queue manager and one for the queue name. go()方法传递两个字符串,一个用于队列管理器,一个用于队列名。
Configure the queue name in the deployment descriptor to be the queue generated by the export of the WebSphere ESB mediation module. 在部署描述符(其将作为由WebSphereESB中介模块的导出生成的队列)中配置队列名称。
An example of a pattern parameter is a queue name from where messages are read. 模式参数的例子之一是通过它读取消息的队列名。
Fill in the base Queue name that is hosted on MQ. 填入MQ上承载的基本队列名称。
Otherwise, the temptation is to put in reliance on a JDBC driver, or a URL, a JMS queue name, or other machine resources with unintended, and occasionally disastrous, implications. 否则,可以试着依靠JDBC驱动程序,或URL、JMS队列名称,或者其他具有无意识的、偶尔可能是灾难性暗示的机器资源。
In the above example, empty string is used for the output queue library and queue name to indicate that spool files from any output queue are considered for indexing. 在上面的例子中,输出队列库和队列名称使用了空字符串,表明将对所有输出队列中的spool文件进行索引。
While the queue manager can fulfill multiple roles, the segregation of responsibility should occur at the queue level, preferably with a function identifier in the queue name. 虽然队列管理器可以履行多种角色,但是职责分离应该在队列级别进行,最好是在队列名称中使用功能标识符来实现。
You will need to use this queue name later when you configure the MDB. 在以后配置MDB时需要使用此队列名。
Whether you entered the incorrect queue name, no longer need the print queue, or simply want to see how to remove a queue, removing a virtual print queue in AIX is easy. 不管您是出于什么原因要删除队列:输入了错误的队列名、不再需要使用打印队列,或者仅仅是想知道如何删除队列,在AIX中删除虚拟打印队列十分简单。
The code gets the subscription name, the queue manager to use, and the queue name to send the message from the dialog. 该代码从对话框中获得订阅名、要使用的队列管理器以及要发送消息的队列名。
Enter ERROR for the queue name and click OK. 输入ERROR作为队列的名称并单击OK。
Specify queue name as CICSINPUT. 将队列名称指定为CICSINPUT。
From the queue connection factory, a queue connection is created. Next, a queue session is created from a queue connection and a queue is retrieved by looking up the context object with a queue name. 其次,它在队列连接中创建一个队列会话,并通过查找上下文对象获得一个指定名称的队列。
In the Node properties section under the Basic tab, input Q.IN as the Queue name and leave the rest of the field as default. 在Basic选项卡之下的Node属性部分输入Q.IN作为Queue名,并使其余字段保留默认设置。
We will be configuring the client application to use this queue name. 我们将确认客户机应用程序使用此队列名称。
Provide the queue name as CICSOUTPUTXML. 提供队列名称CICSOUTPUTXML。
The microbroker plug-in component provides the necessary access-related information, such as broker name, queue name, data source, and so on. 微代理插件组件提供了所需的、与访问相关的信息,如代理名称、队列名称、数据源等等。
The required parameters are the queue name and the message body ( an XML document). 所需的参数为队列名和消息体(XML文档)。
The Dojo event pub/ sub system provides a method of anonymous communication between components based on a shared topic or queue name. 在Dojo事件发布/订阅系统中,可以基于共享主题或队列名称以匿名的方式在组件之间进行通信。
The typical convention for application objects is to begin the name, such as a queue name, with an application-specific high-level qualifier. 常见的应用程序对象惯例是以一个特定于应用程序的高级限定符开始名称,比如一个队列名称。
Click the node and specify in for the Queue name property for the node in Properties tab's Basic folder. 单击该节点并在Properties选项卡的Basic文件夹中指定in作为该节点的Queuename属性。
For this default direct exchange ( and only for that) the broker also declares a binding for every queue in the system with the binding key being identical to the queue name. 对这个默认的direct交换器(也仅仅是对这个交换器),协商器将会声明一个绑定了系统中所有队列的绑定器。
This implies that knowing the exchange and queue name is required to setup message routing. 这就说明,若要知道交换器和队列的名字,还需要设置消息路由。
Type the network path or the queue name of your printer. If you don't know its name, click Browse to view available network printers. 请输入打印机的网络路径或队列名。如果不知道此名称,请单击浏览,查看可用的网络打印机。
Failed to create message queue "{ 0}". Make sure queue name is valid. 未能创建消息队列{0}。请确保队列名称有效。